Keeping The Spirit Up

Months passed since our last post, the local bees seems to have their luxury stay in their natural habitat. This is one of the challenges but a blessing in disguise knowing that the surrounding jungle is still very much sufficient for them.

Moving forward, along with the business aspect for this blog, let's make it a little bit educational. It's good to now something new, of course it's still about bees.

Have you heard of bee?. This kind of bee is also part of our farming plan. Trigona is dear to us also because of it's friendly nature. Do you know that this bee will stay in their colony forever? Unless attacked by predators and when natural disaster occurs.

In order to farm it, we have to find a colony first, mostly in a jungle in a tree trunk, top it with a wooden boxes or transfer it to the permanent hive which will be so much easier to harvest and of course more comfortable for the bees (we hope). We can have the option to buy the colony from a ready sellers or go into the jungle and search! (not recommended unless escorted by expert). You must also know the specific species beforehand.

This is how it looks like when it is still in a tree trunk. I had the privilege to join the process of transferring these into a permanent hive recently.

Oh! and Trigona bee's honey known to be rich in health benefit. Find out!


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